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Speaker series

The speaker series is generously supported by the Consortium on Electoral Democracy and the Office of Vice President Research, TMU


12 September 2022

Yotam Margalit, Tel Aviv University

The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence From Italy

20 October 2022

Horace Gninafon, UC Berkeley

COVID-19 and School Resilience: Evidence From Nigeria


3 November 2022

Gemma Dipoppa, Brown University

How Criminal Organizations Expand to Strong States: Migrant Exploitation and Political Brokerage in Norther Italy

9 February 2023

Marko Klašjna, Georgetown University

Charismatic Politicians and Democratic Backsliding

2 March 2023

Amanda Clayton, Vanderbilt University 

Gender, Deliberation, and Natural Resource Governance: Experimental Evidence From Malawi

30 March 2023 (TBC)

Salma Mousa, Yale University


12 April 2022

Michael McGregor, Ryerson University

Online Voting and Electoral Attitudes in Ontario

5 April 2022

Caitlin Andrews-Lee, Ryerson University 

How to Play the Woman Card: The Divergent Gender Strategies of Female Leaders in Programmatic Parties and Charismatic Movements


29 March 2022

Amber Lee, Behavioural Political Economy Group

Why Did We Lose? Election Losers' Causal Attribution and Post Election Attitudes

18 March 2022

David Sumantry, Behavioural Political Economy Group

Understanding Without Compromise: Developing an Intervention to Reduce Affective Polarization Without Changing Minds


8 March 2022

Iva Srbinovska, ETH Zürich & Behavioural Political Economy Group

Popular Vote Campaigns, Public Opinion and Immigration


Postponed 24 March 2020, 12.10-1.30pm, JOR730

Yotam Margalit, Tel Aviv University

Location Matters: Is the Immigration Debate Over Stocks or Flows?

13 February 2020, 2.30-4.00pm, JOR1402

Yang-Yang Zhou, University of British Columbia

How Refugee Resentment Shapes National Identity & Citizen Participation in Africa

31 October 2019, 3.10-5.30pm, CUI219

Dominik Hangartner, ETH Zürich

Access to and Consequences of Citizenship

3 October 2019, 12.10-1.30pm, JOR730

Jaime Settle, College of William & Mary

Frenemies: How Social Media Polarizes America


28 March 2019, 12.00-2.00pm, SLC516

Christopher Dawes, New York University

The Electoral Effect of Stop-and-Frisk

© 2023 by Daniel Rubenson

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